RBI-t-winning seminars |
25.04.2016. Luiz Vale Revisiting short-distance QCD corrections for kaon mixing in Left-Right Models |
04.02.2016. Samuel Wallon Mueller-Navelet Jets at the LHC: Eviden e for High-energy Resummation Effects |
RBI-t-winning lectures: check RBI-T-Winning page |
20.10.2015. Glaser symposium |
Philippe Blanchard Selected pieces of V. Glaser's typical publications |
J. Gracia-Bondia A case study in Epstein-Glaser renormalization |
04.12.2013. Fabrizio Nesti The Galactic Dark Matter Distribution |
28.10.2013. Tomislav Prokopec Phase transitions and asymptotic state on de Sitter |
25.09.2013. Kumar S. Gupta Anomalies and renormalization of mixed states |
18.07.2013. Danijel Pikutic Paradigma membrane u fizici crnih rupa |
06.06.2013. Salvatore Mignemi Relativistic and nonrelativistic dynamics of the Snyder model |
31.05.2013. T. R. Govindarajan Life at the Edge: Novel bound states on manifolds with boundary |
23.05.2013. Tristan Huebsch Mreza Calabi-Yau mnogostrukosti i superstrune |
28.03.2013. Ilya L. Shapiro Quantum Gravity from the Quantum Field Theory Perspective II |
27.03.2013. Ilya L. Shapiro Quantum Gravity from the Quantum Field Theory Perspective I |
13.11.2012. Marko Popovic Geometric origin of scaling in large traffic networks |
11.10.2012. Tomislav Prokopec Symmetry breaking in de Sitter space |
19.07.2012. Holger Bech Nielsen Predicted the Higgs mass, Multiple Point Principle, Production in Big Bang Time of Alternative vacuum bubbles, Tunguska and Kimberlites |
19.07.2012. Keiichi Nagao Formulation of Complex Action Theory |
26.06.2012. Daniel Blaschke Non-commutative quantum field theories, renormalization and emergent gravity |
27.03.2012. Laure Gouba Minimal supersymmetric extension of the Snyder algebra |
22.12.2010. Dusko Latas Kiralni fermioni na nekomutativnom prostoru: renormalizabilnost i disperzijske relacije |
15.12.2010. Sebastien Descotes-Genon The CKM matrix: from the Standard Model to New Physics |
03.12.2010. Nevenko Bilic Dark matter in galaxies |
17.11.2010. Andrey Tayduganov Determining the photon polarization of the b --> s gamma using the B --> K_1(1270) gamma --> K pi pi gamma decay |
10.11.2010. Harold Steinacker Emergent gauge theory and gravity from Yang-Mills matrix models III |
09.11.2010. Harold Steinacker Emergent gauge theory and gravity from Yang-Mills matrix models II |
08.11.2010. Harold Steinacker Emergent gauge theory and gravity from Yang-Mills matrix models I |
07.07.2010. Holger B. Nielsen Coincidences supporting backward causation |
30.06.2010. Holger B. Nielsen String field theory with liberation of right and left movers |
16.06.2010. Anna Pachol kappa-Minkowski spacetimes and DSR algebra: fresh look and old problems |
24.05.2010. Tomislav Prokopec Gauge invariant cosmological perturbations |
14.04.2010. Neven Bilic Vakuumske fluktuacije u supersimetricnom modelu u de Sitterovoj geometriji |
25.02.2010. Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis Unified particle physics models and fuzzy extra dimensions |
22.12.2009. Tomislav Prokopec Quantum backreaction in cosmology |
26.10.2009. Marco Valerio Battisti Triangulated loop quantum cosmology |
14.10.2009. Joshua Feinberg Statistics of Resonances in Open Disordered Systems |
05.10.2009. Holger B. Nielsen Dark matter, Tunguska, (6t+6t bar)-bound states |
29.09.2009. Renaud Parentani Black Hole radiation in Bose Einstein condensates |
15.07.2009. Dubravko Horvat Od crnih rupa preko gravastara do crvotocina |
04.06.2009. Ivica Dadic Eksponencijalni raspad malog odstupanja od ravnoteze |
25.05.2009. Predrag Cvitanovic Geometry of turbulence: a stroll through 61,506 dimensions (A guided tour through ChaosBook.org/tutorials) |
31.03.2009. Andrzej Borowiec kappa-Minkowski spacetime as the result of Jordanian twist deformation |
03.02.2009. Igor Bakovic Matematicke strukture visih bazdarnih teorija |
02.02.2009. John Barrett Quantum gravity in 3d - Ponzano-Regge model |
09.10.2007. Tomislav Prokopec Decoherence of cosmological perturbations |
21.09.2007. Joshua Feinberg Does the complex extension of the Riemann equation exhibit shocks? |
04.07.2007. Ivan Dadic Manifestly Retarded formalism for Out-of-equilibrium Thermal Field Theories |
27.06.2007. Borut Bajc A predictive SU(5) | 18.06.2007. T. R. Govindarajan Unitarity time evolution in non-commutative field theory |
11.06.2007. Kumar S. Gupta Aspects of noncommutative gravity |
11.04.2007. Holger Bech Nielsen: Finestructure constants from degenerate vacua and gauge bosons also in families |
09.03.2007. Jure Zupan Two-body B decays in SCET |
25.05.2004. Kumar S. Gupta: Aspects of Calogero Model |
24.05.2004. Hrvoje Stefancic: Fantomska energija - generalizacije i alternative |
09.11.2003. Voja Radovanovic: Renormalizabilnost SU(2) Yang-Mills teorije na nekomutativnom prostoru |
04.06.2003. Svjetlana Fajfer: Rijetki raspadi D mezona |
10.01.2003. Tristan Hubsch: Space-time in string theory and related models |
20.12.2002. Davor Krajnovic: SAURON studija NGC2974 |
11.12.2002. Anais Smailagic: Noncommutativity in quantum mechanics - harmonic oscillator example |
20.06.2002. Hrvoje Stefancic: Hijerarhija vremena zivota hadrona s teskim kvarkovima |
11.06.2002. Andras Patkos: Spectral enhancement at the Sigma --> 2 Pi in strong matter |
23.10.2001. Emil Grgin: Stvaranje prostor-vremena |
16.03.2001. Helmut Satz: Quark-gluon plasma |
09.03.2001. Andreas Ruffing: Hermite Polynomials on Equidistant Lattices |
13.10.2000. Marko Robnik: Studies in the WKB method in 1-dimensional Hamiltonian systems |
12.10.2000. Marko Robnik: Randomness of classical chaotic motion |
18.05.2000. Davor Krajnovic: Kozmicko zracenje najvisih energije i Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzminov prekid |
02.05.2000. Hrvoje Stefancic: Predasimptotski efekti u inkluzivnim raspadima teskih kvarkova |
15.04.1999. Matej Pavsic: Relativistic Membranes and Gravitation |
15.12.1998. Blazenka Melic: Perturbativi pristup pingvinski induciranom raspadu B-> Pi Phi |
11.12.1998. Larisa Jonke: Kvantne fluktuacije Chern-Simonsove teorije i dinamicko smanjenje dimenzija |