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Monalisa Patra | Generalized top spin analysis and new physics in e+e- collisions with beam polarization |
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Boris Ivetić | The lifetime of the EW vacuum and sensitivity to Planck scale physics (V.Branchina, E. Messina, Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 241801) |
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13.12.2013. |
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Neven Bilic | Laboratory search for quintessence based on M.V. Romalis and R.R. Caldwell, Laboratory search for a quintessence field |
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Hrvoje Stefancic | A vast, thin plane of corotating dwarf galaxies orbiting the Andromeda galaxy based on Nature 493, p. 62-65 (03 January 2013) |
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Predrag Lazic & Vinko Zlatic | The d-wave metal - new quantum phase and ideas for HTSC based on Non-Fermi liquid d-wave metal phase of strongly interacting electrons, Nature 493, p.39-44, 2013. |
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Hrvoje Nikolic | Quantum State: Reality or mere Probability? (arXiv:quant-ph/1111.3328, M.F. Pusey, J. Barrett, T. Rudolph, Nature Phys. 8, 476 (2012)) |
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Vinko Zlatic | General Model for the Origin of Allometric Scaling Laws in Biology (Geoffrey B. West, James H. Brown, Brian J. Enquist, Science 276 (1997)) |
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Blaženka Melić | DisCERNing Higgs (What does the new observation mean for the theory?) |
15.06.2012. | Hrvoje Štefančić | Using Quasars as Standard Clocks for Measuring Cosmology (Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 231302 (2012)) |
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30.03.2012. | Marko Popović | Controlability of complex networks (Nature 473, 167 (2011)) |
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16.03.2012. | Kornelija Passek-Kumerički | Anomalous top quark forward-backward asymmetry (or charge asymmetry of top pair production)? (Tevatron and LHC 2011 and 2012.) (arXiv:1101.0034, arXiv:1107.4995, arXiv:1112.6106) |
09.03.2012. | Vinko Zlatić | Inequivalence of time and ensemble averages in ergodic systems (arXiv:1202.6502) |
02.03.2012. | Larisa Jonke | Supersymmetry of a different kind (arXiv:1109.3944) |
24.02.2012. | Goran Duplančić | Can we see the asymptotic nature of perturbative QCD already at the four loops? (arXiv:1202.3220, arXiv:1106.6352) |
17.02.2012. | Hrvoje Štefančić | Testing of General Relativity using galaxy clusters (arXiv:1110.5048) |
10.02.2012. | Blaženka Melić | "Soft" hadronic cross sections challenge extra dimensions (arXiv:1201.0960) |